You are here: System Settings > System Settings


The important system settings in this tab are:

ID Key Default Description
AllowAlternateDescriptions Yes Allows the Part Number description to be edited in the Purchase Order form
DefaultGroupedSupplierNo Blank Enter the Default Creditor Account number for Back to Back Purchase Orders
LockExPrice No Disable the editing of the Tax Ex Price. This prevents the price from being changed
UseMultiB2BForcePlan No No sure if this is still needed
LinesTaxIncPriceHeading Inc Price Heading description for the Inclusive Tax price column of the Purchase Order
LinesTaxExPriceHeading Ex Price Heading description for the Exclusive Tax price column of the Purchase Order
LinesTaxRateHeading Tax Rate Heading description for the Tax Rate column of the Purchase Order
LinesTaxAmountHeading Tax Amount Heading description for the Tax Amount column of the Purchase Order
TaxGridBeforeTaxHeading SubTotal Heading description for the Sub - Total area of the Purchase Order
TaxGridTaxHeading Tax Heading description for the GST Total area of the Purchase Order
TaxGridAfterTaxHeading Total Heading description for the Inc GST/VAT Total area of the Purchase Order
UsePOrderSortOrder No Display lines on the Receival Slip in the same order as they where entered on the Purchase Order
UpdateSupplierCost Yes Update the price details in the Inventory record >Supplier> Warehouse tab
ValidateABN No Check that the Creditor has a valid ABN number before saving a Purchase Order. This setting was used more frequently in the early days of the implementation of GST
PrintWhenCommit No Controls whether the Purchase Order report is to printed automatically when the Purchase Order is committed because the Record > Set Status To is set to "Sent"
UseInTransitWarehouse No Default to using an In Transit Warehouse when creating a Purchase Order on another Warehouse
No Controls the ability to edit or add Notes tab on 'Sent' Purchase Orders
No Controls the ability to add or edit Notes on a 'Closed' Purchase Order
No Controls the ability to edit or add Documents to the Documents tab on 'Sent' Purchase Orders

No Controls the ability to edit or add Documents to the Documents tab on Closed' Purchase Orders
PrintToScreen Yes Controls whether the Purchase Order report prints directly to the Printer or to the Screen first when the "Print" option is selected
CustomLineQtyDecimalPlaces 0 Controls the number of decimal places to be used when ordering Non-inventory items on a Purchase Order.

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